• Comments
    Find and View Comments

    There are several ways to find comments, depending on what information you have. If you know the associated bequest or decedent, you can quickly find their comments. If you want to see all comments or search by content or status, you can use the comment queues.

    In this article, we’ll go over the three ways to locate a comment.

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  • Comments
    Mark a Comment Complete

    Comments can be used for task management. To help you keep track of completed tasks, you can mark a comment Complete in the system.

    Note that you can only “complete” comments that were given a follow-up due date. If there was no due date assigned to the task, the comment will have the status General Entry and will not have a complete option. For more information, see the article Understanding Comments and Comment Statuses.

    In this article, we’ll go over how to mark a comment complete.

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  • Comments
    Edit a Comment

    Comments can be edited at any time. To create a new comment, see the article Add a Comment to a Bequest.

    Note: For information on marking comments complete, see the article Mark a Comment Complete.

    In this article, we’ll go over how to edit an existing comment.

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  • Comments
    Comment Statuses

    Because comments can be used to keep track of and assign tasks, they have different statuses. Statuses help you see at a glance what is going on with a comment and if action is required. In this article, we’ll go over the different comment statuses.

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  • Comments
    Understanding Comments

    Comments can be used for note-taking or task management in bequests. You can set a due date or follow-up date so that incomplete comments are highlighted. You can also assign a comment to a specific user, and it will appear in their list. If you prefer, you can simply add comments as helpful notes without using these features.

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